Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The recent articles outlining the argument and plans for universal heath-care are really interesting.

1. It's good for American business

2. It works for everyone else

3. It would work here

4. Americans, even most Republicans, support it

This NEEDS to be a core plank of the Democratic party platform, and honestly I dont see why it isn't being championed by Democrats and Republicans alike (other than the campaign contributions from the more corrupt segments of the health care industry).

(These links are all from the last article, but Kevin Drum also has said a lot of good over the past few months (search for "health")

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Mallard Fillmore

Dear Bruce Tinsley,

I enjoyed your series of Mallard Fillmore comics dated April 25th to April 28th, 2005, proclaiming that the wage gap between men and woman is non existent and merely a myth being perpetuated by those silly liberals, but I have been unable to locate your source for this statistic and was hoping you could give me a better link.

The asterisk in the comic strips attributes the statistic to column by John Leo dated March 21, 2005 -- but I just read that column and can't find any relevant information.

I found Leo's column online here:

Has Leo deleted the part of his column that you were referring to, or is there a paragraph I should take another look at?

I would love to use this statistic while arguing with those silly liberals, I just want to know what that statistic specifically says and it's source before I start citing it around town so I can avoid looking like a total jackass.

Please let me know.
